Ambessa is a fierce new champion in League of Legends, bringing her savage lioness powers to the Rift. Let's take a closer look at her abilities and how they enable her to stalk and take down her prey.

Passive - Primal Predator
Ambessa's passive, Primal Predator, allows her to track down wounded champions. When an enemy champion falls below 50% health, they are marked as Ambessa's prey. While moving toward her prey, Ambessa gains bonus movement speed. Additionally, her first attack or ability against the marked target deals bonus physical damage based on their missing health.
This passive encourages Ambessa to keep tabs on skirmishes across the map and finish off weakened foes. It enables her to clean up fights and chase down fleeing opponents.
Q - Ravaging Claws
Ambessa's Q, Ravaging Claws, is her main damaging ability. She slashes in a cone in front of her, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit. If this ability hits at least one champion, the cooldown is significantly reduced.
Ravaging Claws provides Ambessa with waveclear and poke in the laning phase. In teamfights, it's a strong AoE ability to carve through the enemy frontline. The cooldown reduction mechanic rewards her for aiming it well to connect with champions.
W - Feline Agility
Feline Agility is a defensive ability that gives Ambessa bonus movement speed and a short dash upon activation. For a few seconds after cast, Ambessa is ghosted, ignoring unit collision. If Ambessa takes damage from an enemy champion during this time, she gains a temporary shield.
This ability gives Ambessa the mobility to stick to targets or escape unfavorable circumstances. The shield rewards smart usage to mitigate incoming burst damage when trading or teamfighting. It's a versatile ability that Ambessa can use offensively or defensively.
E - Territorial Pounce
With her E ability, Territorial Pounce, Ambessa leaps to a target location, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area upon landing. Enemies in the center of the impact are also briefly slowed.
Territorial Pounce functions as Ambessa's main gap closer to initiate on targets. The slow makes it easier for her to stick to opponents and land follow-up attacks and abilities. This ability can also be used as an escape tool to jump over walls to safety.
R - Apex Predator
Ambessa's ultimate, Apex Predator, unleashes her true power as a hunter. Upon activation, Ambessa lets out a mighty roar, slowing all nearby enemies and gaining an attack speed boost for a few seconds. During this time, Ambessa's attacks refresh the slow and deal bonus damage based on the target's maximum health.
Apex Predator turns Ambessa into a devastating duelist, enabling her to overpower even the tankiest of foes. The AoE slow makes it difficult for enemies to kite away from her. When ahead, Ambessa can use her ultimate to quickly tear through the enemy team.
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Ability Interactions and Combos
Ambessa's kit is designed around chasing down and eliminating single targets. A common combo is to activate Feline Agility (W) to close the gap, land Territorial Pounce (E) on the target, then follow up with Ravaging Claws (Q) and repeated auto attacks. When ultimate is available, activate Apex Predator (R) early in the combo for maximum effect.
Ambessa's abilities also have strong synergy with her passive. Territorial Pounce (E) and Feline Agility (W) enable her to quickly close the distance to marked prey. The bonus damage from Primal Predator combined with percentage health damage from Apex Predator (R) allows Ambessa to swiftly eliminate even bruisers and tanks when they fall below half health.

Overall, Ambessa's abilities make her a formidable predator on the Rift, specializing in tracking and taking down wounded targets. Effectively using her mobility and single-target damage will allow Ambessa players to dominate teamfights and skirmishes across the map. Assensa's release is sure to shake up the meta and bring new excitement to the game!