As a gold-ranked mid lane main, I've found success with some unexpected champions. My roster includes Kayn, Viego, and Samira - picks that often raise eyebrows in champion select. This article explores the viability of these choices and the broader landscape of unconventional mid laners.

Why Go Off-Meta?
- Traditional mages feel limited by cooldowns, while auto-attack reliant champions offer consistent damage output.
- Facing the same mage matchups repeatedly can become stale.
- These picks have yielded positive results in my games.
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Melee Bruisers:
• Sett: Capitalizing on enemy combos with a well-timed W
• Renekton: A situational but potent choice
• Kled: Potentially overwhelming in certain matchups
• Mordekaiser: Strong wave clear and roaming potential
Tanks and Juggernauts:
• Zac: One player reported reaching Master tier with this pick
• Shen: Running ignite for added kill pressure
Unique Strategies:
• Singed: An unorthodox but potentially strong choice
• AP Varus: An unexpected twist on a marksman
AD-Focused Options:
• Tryndamere, Akshan, and Jayce: Offering physical damage from mid
• Graves: Strong waveclear and lane presence
Recent Additions:
• Gwen: A newer champion finding success in mid
• Briar: The latest addition to the champion roster
• Vi: Surprising one-shot potential from the jungle role
Pros and Cons:
• Element of surprise against opponents
• Potential to counter common mid lane picks
• Personal enjoyment and comfort with the champion
• Team composition issues
• Potential struggles in higher elos
• Lack of acceptance from teammates

While unconventional mid picks can be both fun and effective, it's crucial to balance personal preference with team needs. Mastery of a champion, regardless of its typical role, can lead to success.