Funny Champion Voice Lines in League of Legends

August 11, 2024

Character voice lines can add an extra layer of entertainment to the experience. League of Legends has garnered attention for its sometimes quirky, sometimes cringeworthy, but often hilarious champion voice lines. Let's explore some of the funniest and most memorable quotes from the game's diverse cast of characters.

Malphite, the champion known for his rocky exterior, simply shouts "Rock solid!" at opportune moments. The simplicity and randomness of this exclamation make it unexpectedly funny in the context of intense gameplay.

Top 8 voice lines from the community

The game's roster includes a variety of champions with unique personalities, resulting in an array of amusing voice lines:

  1. Gragas, the drunken brawler, whose slurred speech sometimes sounds like he's saying "drown in pussy" instead of "don't get pushy."
  2. Corporate Mundo, who offers questionable financial advice during battles, such as "Vegas not place to gamble, try stock market instead!"
  3. Kled, the mischievous yordle, who starts matches by exclaiming, "Holy shit, where are we?"
  4. Vex, the gloomy yordle, whose pessimistic one-liners include gems like "Just give up. I did." and "If I can't be happy, no one can."
  5. Ivern, the nature-loving champion, who spouts nonsensical wisdom such as "My favorite color is Spring" and "Never trust a butterfly with a secret."
  6. Aatrox, the warrior with a flair for dramatic insults, congratulating opponents on their mastery while simultaneously insulting their upbringing: "Ah, mastery! I must congratulate you, obviously your parents never had a reason to."
  7. Zilean, the time-bending champion, who delivers groan-worthy puns like "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana."
  8. Your toxic teammate screaming something mean to you after his death. Tired of trolls in your comp games? Try out these cheap boosting deals.

Other notable mentions include:

  • Neeko's adorable declaration: "Neeko is not a sad tomato. She is a strong tomato!"
  • Jhin's chilling calm: "Your life had no value before me."
  • Yorick's unintentionally suggestive line: "Fear not, I will make use of your corpse."
  • Taliyah's enthusiastic suggestion: "You know what would make snowballs more fun? ROCKS!"
  • Janna's surprisingly flirtatious quip: "For $2.95 a minute, I can leave you breathless."

These voice lines, ranging from dad jokes to edgy quips, add a layer of humor and personality to the game. They often catch players off guard, providing moments of levity in the midst of intense competition.

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Riot Games has clearly put thought into creating memorable characters, and these voice lines contribute significantly to their charm. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, these quirky quotes are sure to bring a smile to your face as you battle your way to victory on Summoner's Rift.

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