Can You Only Reach High Elo if You Play League of Legends All Day?

September 29, 2024

As an avid League of Legends player, you've probably heard the claim that it takes hundreds of games to reach your "true" skill level. But is this really the case, or are we falling victim to a misconception? Let's dive into this hot topic and separate fact from fiction.

The Myth of the Never-Ending Climb

Many players believe that unless you're living and breathing League of Legends 24/7, you'll never reach your true rank. They argue that with games lasting over 30 minutes (not counting queue times), it's practically impossible for casual players to invest the necessary time.

A Pro Tip

If you don't have time to play League all day but still want to have a high rank then check out these cheap boosting options. We are here to help!

Chess vs. LoL: A Tale of Two Ladders

Comparisons to other competitive games like chess often come up in these discussions. Chess players can often find their skill level within a day or two, settling into a comfortable 50% win rate. LoL players, on the other hand, frequently report never reaching that stable point where their rank feels "just right."

The Conspiracy Theory

Some cynics suggest that this prolonged journey to your true rank might be a clever business strategy. After all, if you're constantly chasing that next tier, you're more likely to keep playing – and maybe buy a few more skins along the way. But let's not don our tinfoil hats just yet.

The Reality Check

Here's the thing: League of Legends has a massive player base and some seriously sophisticated analytics tools. In theory, they should be able to place players accurately without requiring an endless grind. So what's really going on?

Diving into player experiences, we find a more nuanced reality:

  1. Many argue that if you've played hundreds of games without reaching your "true" rank, you might already be there.
  2. Some players report getting back to their previous ranks within 20-50 games after resets.
  3. The general consensus seems to be that 50-100 games is typically enough for accurate placement.

The Climbing Conundrum

Here's where many players get confused: there's a big difference between reaching your current skill level and climbing to a higher one. Reaching your true rank might take 50-100 games, but climbing higher? That's about improvement, not just placement.

While League's ranking system might require more games than some other competitive games, it's not the insurmountable mountain some make it out to be. The perception of needing hundreds of games often comes from a desire to climb rather than simply finding one's current skill level.

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