Many players have been calling for a competitive version of ARAM (All Random All Mid), the popular alternative game mode in League of Legends. The main argument in favor of this is that it would allow for a separation between casual and serious ARAM players, potentially reducing frustration and toxicity.

The Proposal:
- Introduce a ranked ARAM queue alongside the existing casual ARAM
- Players who prefer a more serious environment can opt for ranked
- Casual players can continue enjoying the laid-back nature of normal ARAM
Potential Benefits:
- Reduced flame and toxicity as players with different goals are separated
- A more balanced and competitive experience for those who want it
- Maintains the option for casual play in normal ARAM
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Counterarguments and Concerns:
- ARAM already has a hidden MMR system, so tryhard players tend to be matched together anyway.
- Fairness issues with champion availability - some argue all champions should be unlocked for ranked ARAM to prevent abuse of ARAM-only accounts.
- The inherent randomness of ARAM may not be suitable for a ranked environment:
- Luck plays a significant role in team compositions
- Players may get champions they're not skilled with, leading to unfair LP losses
- Draft advantages/disadvantages are more impactful than in Summoner's Rift
- Potential for increased toxicity in ranked ARAM, similar to what's seen in ranked Summoner's Rift
- Longer queue times, especially at higher ranks
- Concerns about off-meta builds and playstyles being reported more frequently
Possible Solutions:
- Unlock all champions for ranked ARAM
- Implement stricter punishment for dodging
- Require a minimum account level (e.g., 30+) for participation
- Provide additional rerolls to mitigate bad luck with champion selection

What do you think? Would a ranked ARAM queue be a welcome addition to League of Legends, or should ARAM remain a purely casual game mode?