When it comes to champion design in League of Legends, some characters stand out as particularly frustrating to play against due to their lack of clear counterplay options. Let's explore some of the most notorious offenders according to players:

Yone: The Unfettered
Yone tops many players' lists of unfair designs. With three different ways to negate crowd control, including his E ability that grants ramping movement speed, Yone can be incredibly difficult to pin down. Even when you manage to land abilities on him, his W still provides a shield. The lack of clear counterplay options makes Yone a menace on the Rift.
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Fiora: The Grand Duelist
Fiora's ability to deal max HP true damage is often cited as inherently uncounterable. While some point out that shields can help mitigate this, her overall kit still leaves many players feeling helpless against her in a 1v1 scenario.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Interestingly, it's been reported that even Riot Games considers Fizz a somewhat failed design. His playstyle often boils down to either one-shotting an opponent and escaping, or failing to do so and dying. This binary outcome leaves little room for skillful counterplay from opponents.
Azir: The Emperor of the Sands
Azir's complex kit has made him a staple in professional play for years, despite repeated nerfs. His ability to control space and dish out consistent damage from range makes him incredibly potent in the right hands.
Evelynn & Stealth Champions
For many players, especially in lower ranks, stealth mechanics like those possessed by Evelynn can feel particularly unfair. The inability to see or target these champions until they're right on top of you can be incredibly frustrating.
Yuumi: The Magical Cat
While opinions are divided, some argue that Yuumi's ability to become untargetable while attached to allies removes the key weakness of enchanter supports - their squishiness. This can make her feel uniquely unfair to play against.

It's important to note that perceptions of "unfairness" can vary widely based on skill level, role preferences, and personal playstyles. What feels unfair to one player might be seen as balanced by another. Game designers face the ongoing challenge of creating champions that are fun to play as, while also providing meaningful counterplay options for opponents.