Top Lane Champions That Are Difficult to Proxy Against

May 2, 2024

Proxying, a strategy where a player farms enemy minion waves between their opponent's turrets, can be an effective way to extend a lead in the top lane. However, certain champions possess abilities that make proxying against them a risky endeavor. In this post, we'll explore some of the top lane champions that are particularly challenging to proxy against and discuss the reasons behind their effectiveness in countering this strategy.

Trundle: The Troll King's Toolkit

Trundle, the Troll King, is a prime example of a champion that is difficult to proxy against due to his unique abilities. His W (Frozen Domain) and E (Pillar of Ice) provide him with tools to quickly catch up to and trap opponents attempting to proxy. The movement speed boost from Frozen Domain and the terrain creation from Pillar of Ice make it challenging for enemies to escape Trundle's grasp, making proxying a risky proposition.

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Yorick: The Shepherd of Souls

Yorick, the Shepherd of Souls, is another top lane champion that can effectively counter proxying attempts. With his ultimate ability, Eulogy of the Isles, Yorick can summon the Maiden of the Mist, which can help him quickly clear minion waves and push towards the enemy turret. Additionally, his W (Dark Procession) can trap opponents, making it difficult for them to escape if caught while proxying.

Nasus: The Stacking Menace

Nasus, the Curator of the Sands, is a champion that actually benefits from being proxied against. His Q ability, Siphoning Strike, allows him to stack damage by last-hitting minions. If an opponent attempts to proxy against Nasus, they effectively grant him free farm and the opportunity to stack his Q, making him a formidable threat as the game progresses. Proxying against Nasus can backfire, as he can become an unstoppable force in the late game.

Scaling Champions: The Late Game Threats

Champions that excel in the late game, such as Kayle, Vladimir, and Gwen, are generally not ideal targets for proxying. These champions are content with farming safely and scaling into the late game, where they become incredibly powerful. Proxying against these champions may not provide the desired advantage, as they can simply wait for their power spikes and become major threats in teamfights.

Final words:

While proxying can be a viable strategy in the top lane, it's essential to consider the champion matchup before attempting it. Champions like Trundle, Yorick, and Nasus have tools that make proxying against them a risky endeavor. Additionally, scaling champions may not be phased by proxying attempts, as they are focused on reaching their late-game power spikes. When deciding whether to proxy, it's crucial to assess the situation, consider the enemy jungler's position, and weigh the potential risks and rewards. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different champions, top laners can make informed decisions on when and against whom to employ the proxying strategy.

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