Debunking Popular Misconceptions in League of Legends

August 20, 2024

Misconceptions can often take root and persist, shaping player perceptions and influencing game balance decisions. Today, we'll explore some intriguing examples of widely held beliefs that were later proven to be inaccurate.

Mage Dominance in Bot Lane

A prevalent belief suggested that mages were overpowered in the bot lane due to bot laners using armor runes instead of magic resistance. However, even after the removal of armor and magic resistance runes, mages continued to maintain the highest win rates in the bot lane position. This revelation challenges the initial assumption and suggests that other factors contribute to mage success in this role.

Corki's Pro Play Presence

Another misconception revolved around Corki's high presence in professional play. Many attributed this to his unique "package" ability. Interestingly, after the removal of this ability, Corki's presence in professional play actually increased, despite numerous adjustments and nerfs. This outcome indicates that Corki's strength in professional play stems from other aspects of his kit or playstyle.

One-Trick Ponies and Win Rates

A common belief was that players who specialize in a single champion (one-trick ponies or OTPs) artificially inflate win rates. However, data analysis has shown the opposite to be true. When a player consistently uses one champion at their skill level, it tends to stabilize their win rate closer to 50%, rather than inflating it.

Champion Popularity and Performance

Another misconception is the idea that less popular champions have higher win rates because they are primarily played by dedicated mains. Statistical analysis has disproven this notion. For instance, Yasuo, one of the most played and "mained" champions, maintains a high pick rate. Conversely, pre-rework Aurelion Sol had both low play rates and few dedicated mains, challenging the assumed correlation between popularity and performance.

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It's crucial for both developers and players to remain open to new information and be willing to challenge established notions. This approach ensures a more accurate understanding of game dynamics and contributes to a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience for all.

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