LoL Season 14 Ranked Solo Carry Tier List
Discover the best champions for solo carrying for each role in League of Legends with our comprehensive tier list guide. We've analyzed the latest patch notes, win rates, and expert booster opinions to bring you the top picks for jungle, mid lane, bot lane (ADC), support, and top lane. Climb the ranks and dominate the Rift with these S-tier champions that are the best boosting picks in the current meta.
The jungle role has seen some shifts in the meta, but several champions remain top-tier picks. Leading the pack is Bel'Veth, a terrifying void creature that can quickly clear camps and gank with ease. Wukong and Ivern also sit comfortably in the S-tier, with their ability to control the map and set up plays for their team. Kha'Zix, Kayn (in both forms), Master Yi, Viego, and Volibear round out the top-tier jungle picks, each bringing unique strengths to the table. A-tier options like Gragas, Kindred, Zac, and Nunu are also solid choices for those looking to mix things up.
- Bel'Veth
- Kha'Zix
- Kayn
Mid Lane
In the mid lane, a mix of assassins and control mages dominate the S-tier. Ahri and Brand lead the charge, with their ability to dish out massive amounts of damage and control team fights. Sylas, Twisted Fate, and Karma also sit atop the mid lane rankings, thanks to their versatility and utility. Katarina and Galio round out the S-tier, with their ability to roam and impact the map. The A-tier is filled with solid options like Annie, Anivia, Aurelion Sol, Orianna, and Veigar, each capable of carrying games in the right hands.
- Ahri
- Brand
- Sylas
Bot Lane (ADC)
The bot lane meta has seen some shifts, but a few champions have risen to the top. Jinx and Twitch sit firmly in the S-tier, with their ability to hyper-carry games and dish out massive amounts of damage in team fights. Caitlyn and Ashe also remain top-tier picks, thanks to their strong laning phase and utility. Senna, despite a small nerf, remains a strong choice for those looking for an unconventional ADC. Other solid options include Vayne and Seraphine, who are still capable of carrying games despite recent nerfs.
- Jinx
- Twitch
- Caitlyn
The support role is crucial to success in the bot lane, and several champions have proven themselves to be top-tier picks. Senna leads the way, despite a small nerf, thanks to her ability to poke and sustain in lane. Thresh, Rakan, and Janna also sit comfortably in the S-tier, with their ability to engage and disengage fights and protect their ADC. Blitzcrank and Leona have also risen through the ranks, thanks to their strong engage and pick potential. Pyke and Zyra round out the top-tier support options, each bringing unique strengths to the table.
- Senna
- Thresh
- Rakan
Top Lane
The top lane meta has seen some shifts, but a few champions have emerged as top-tier picks. Fiora and Malphite lead the way, with their ability to dominate the laning phase and split push effectively. Olaf and Volibear also sit atop the top lane rankings, thanks to their strong dueling potential and ability to impact team fights. A-tier options like Camille, Darius, Gragas, and Urgot are also solid choices for those looking to mix things up in the top lane.
- Fiora
- Malphite
- Olaf
While the League of Legends meta is constantly evolving, these top-tier picks have proven themselves to be consistent performers in their respective roles. By mastering these champions and keeping an eye on the ever-changing tier lists, you'll be well on your way to climbing the ranks and dominating the Rift.