Best Champions and Maps for Farming Gold on Swarm?

August 2, 2024

After conquering Beachhead on hard difficulty and unlocking Anima Power, many players find themselves seeking efficient ways to farm gold and level up. This guide will explore the best champions, maps, and strategies for maximizing gold accumulation in Swarm mode, as well as provide some champion builds for tackling extreme difficulty.

Gold Farming Strategies

  1. Riven on Map 3:
    One of the most popular strategies involves using Riven on the third map (name unspecified). Focus on maximizing experience gain and the Annihilator augment first to increase gold drops. Boost your pickup range, then prioritize speed and damage upgrades. The key is to continuously run laps around the map, breaking crates for maximum gold yield.

Recommended Build for Riven:

  • Annihilator + XP (extra gold drops on kill)
  • Train + Damage (extra gold drops on kill)
  • Yuumi + Pickup (fetches XP orbs)
  • Boots + Movement Speed (provides shield and speed, evolves starter weapon)
  • Last two passive slots: Haste and Area/Duration/Crit
  1. Xayah with Pickup Range:
    Another effective strategy is using Xayah while focusing on pickup range upgrades. Aim for the "gold on death" Yuumi augment for additional income. The beach map is believed to have more enemies or bosses, potentially increasing gold gains.

General Champion Build for Ranged Characters:

  • Prioritize bonus XP, critical hit chance, ability haste, projectile count, and movement speed
  • Consider armor or max HP for survivability (armor preferred for ice armor evolution)
  • Essential weapons: UwU blaster, crossbow, and ice armor
  1. Four-Player Illaoi Setup:
    For team play, a group of four Illaoi champions can be incredibly effective. Position yourselves close together to maximize the impact of tentacle attacks.
  2. Briar for Easy Farming:
    Briar is noted for her simplicity in farming. Utilize her E and R abilities for effortless gold accumulation.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid damage stats and weapons that evolve from them, as they are considered suboptimal
  • The beach map may offer more enemies or bosses, potentially increasing gold gains
  • Balance between survival and damage output for optimal farming
  • Need help climbing the ranks? Check out our affordable boosting services.

Extreme Difficulty Builds:

For extreme difficulty, focus on ranged champions with the following priorities:

  1. Bonus XP
  2. Critical hit chance
  3. Ability haste
  4. Projectile count
  5. Movement speed
  6. Armor or max HP (prefer armor for ice armor evolution)

Essential weapons for extreme difficulty:

  1. UwU blaster
  2. Crossbow
  3. Ice armor

Remember, these strategies and builds are based on player experiences and may require adjustment based on personal playstyle and preference. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you in your gold farming endeavors.

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